Steam Locomotive Drawings
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3.75 inch scale
Dougal Hubner
- Meg Wendy 0-4-0
- Designed by Dougal Hubner
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
- "Uncle Sam" 0-4-0 Americanized version of Meg Wendy
- Designed by Dougal Hubner
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
- Denver & Rio Grande C19 2-8-0
- Designed by Milner Engineering
- Drawings and casting available from A.J. Reeves
Keith Watson
- Sweet Creek 2-6-0
- Designed by Keith Watson
- Drawings and castings available from Roll Models Industrial Railworks
- Prairie 2-6-2 version of Sweet Creek
- Designed by Keith Watson
- Drawings and castings available from Roll Models Industrial Railworks
- Columbia 2-4-2 using Sweet Creek castings
- Designed by Keith Watson
- Drawings and castings available from Roll Models Industrial Railworks
- Sandy River Forney 2-4-4 using Sweet Creek castings
- Designed by Keith Watson
- Drawings and castings available from Roll Models Industrial Railworks
- Stuart Forney 2-4-2 using Sweet Creek castings
- Designed by Keith Watson
- Drawings and castings available from Roll Models Industrial Railworks
Don Young
- Maxi Lucky 7
- Based on B&SR 2-4-4T #7
- 7.25/7.5 inch gauge
- Designed by Don Young
- Drawings appeared in Live Steam Magazine starting in 1977
- Castings are available from Allen Models
- IBLS Library has copies of magazine articles containing the drawings
3 inch scale
Winton Brown
- 2-6-0 Mogul
- Designed by Winton Brown
- Drawings were offered by Winton Locomotive Works
- Charles Wiegand purchased the drawings and patterns, along with some castings
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
Seymour Johnson
- Hudson 4-6-4
- Designed by Seymour F. Johnson
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
2.5 inch scale
Tom Artzberger
- Rio Grande Southern #20 narrow gauge 4-6-0
- Designed by Tom Artzberger
- Drawings and castings available from Hartford Shops
John Buckwalter
- 2.5 inch scale, 7.x inch gauge Shay
- Designed by John Buckwalter
- Drawings and castings available from Narrow Gauge Shay
Tom Miller
- D&RG K-36 2-8-2
- Designed by Tom Miller
- Drawings and casting available from Alco West Locomotives
Jeff Smith
- D&RGW C-25 2-8-0
- Designed by Jeff Smith
- Drawings and castings available from Branchline Products
Richard Ulin
- D&RG K-27 2-8-2
- Designed by Richard Ulin
- Drawings and casting available from Alco West Locomotives
- 2-6-4 Mason Bogie
- Designed by Richard Ulin
- Drawings and casting available from Alco West Locomotives
Keith Watson
- Li'l Lima 0-4-0
- Designed by Keith Watson
- Li'l Mogul 2-6-0 Baldwin 3 foot gauge
- Designed by Keith Watson
Don Young
- Marie Estelle 0-4-0 narrow gauge
- Designed by Ollie Johnston for 4-3/4 inch gauge
- Scaled up by Don Young
- 7.x inch narrow gauge
- Drawings appeared in Live Steam Magazine starting October 1985
- IBLS Library has copies of magazine articles containing the drawings
1.75 inch scale
Don Young
- Lucky 7
- Based on B&SR 2-4-4T #7
- 3/4 inch gauge
- Designed by Don Young
- Drawings appeared in Live Steam Magazine starting in 1977
- IBLS Library has copies of magazine articles containing the drawings
1.5/1.6 inch scale
Allen Models
- Fitchburg Northern No. 34
- Designed by Thomas Rhodes
- Construction series ran in Live Steam Magazine starting Febrary 1988
- Harpur 2-4-0
- Designed by Bob Harpur
- Wabash Mogul 2-6-0
- Designed by Bob Harpur
- Based on Wabash #573
- IBLS Library has a copy of the drawings
- Ten Wheeler 4-6-0
- Designed by Gene Allen
- IBLS Library has a copy of the drawings
- American 4-4-0
- Designed by Gene Allen
- Consolidation 2-8-0
- Designed by Gene Allen
- Chloe 0-4-2
- Designer unknown
- Drawn by Gene Allen
- Allen 0-4-0
- Designed by Marty Knox
- CAD drawings by Neil Knopf
Walter Allen
- Rutland F-2j 4-6-0
- Designed by Walter Allen
- Offered for sale in Live Steam Newsletter, Feb 1967 thru 1975
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
Berthold Audsley
- Pennsy K4s 4-6-2 in 7.25 inch gauge
- Designed by Berthold Audsley
- Built by Calvert Holt
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
Paul Brien
- 0-6-0
- Designed by Paul Brien
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
- 2-6-0 Scotty Mogul
- Re-designed by Paul Brien, based on Pershing Scott's mogul, which was based on Carl Purinton's Mogul
- IBLS Library has drawings, see Scotty Mogul
- 4-6-0 LLR Ten Wheeler
- Designed by Paul Brien
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
Winton Brown
- 2-6-0 Mogul
- Designed by Winton Brown
- Drawings were offered by Winton Locomotive Works
- Charles Wiegand purchased the drawings and patterns, along with some castings
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
John Clarke
- N.Y.C. & H.R 4-4-0 American
- Designed by John Clarke
- Drawings offered by A.J. Reeves
Harry Coventry
- Baltimore & Ohio 4-2-0 Lafayette
- Designed by Harry Coventry
- Drawings available from Friends Models
Walt Disney
- CP-173 American 4-4-0 "Lilly Belle"
- Designed by Walt Disney company
- Offered for sale in The Miniature Locomotive, July/August 1953
- Drawings are available from California State Railroad Museum
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
F. Brian Gittins
- Pennsy E6 Atlantic 4-4-2
- Designed by F. Brian Gittins
- Published in Modeltec magazine from October 1987 through March 1996
- Castings were offered by Saturated Steam
- IBLS Library has copies of the Modeltec issues, but seeking drawings from Saturated Steam
Roger Goldmann
- UP Challenger 4-6-6-4
- Designed by Roger Goldmann
- Drawings and castings available from Live Steam Locomotives and Alco West Locomotives
- UP Big Boy 4-8-8-4
- Designed by Roger Goldmann
- Drawings and castings available from Live Steam Locomotives
- UP FEF 4-8-4 Northern
- Designed by Roger Goldmann
- Drawings and castings available from Live Steam Locomotives
- USRA 4-6-2 Heavy Pacific
- Designed by Roger Goldmann
- Drawings and castings available from Live Steam Locomotives
- 2-8-0 Consolidation
- Designed by Roger Goldmann
- Drawings and castings available from Live Steam Locomotives
- USRA 0-6-0 Switch Engine
- Designed by Roger Goldmann
- Drawings and castings available from Live Steam Locomotives
John Grant
- 2-8-0 "baby" Consolidation
- Designed by John Grant
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
Henry Greenly
- Hudson 4-6-4 and Northern 4-8-4
- Designed by Henry Greenly
- Copyright expired in 2018
- IBLS Library has a copy of these drawings
Bob Hannum
- Cooke 4-4-0 American
- Designed by Bob Hannum
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
William M Harris
- Falk No. 1 0-4-0 logging locomotive
- Designed by William Harris
- Drawings available in book Falk No. 1 Locomotive
- Drawings and build articles appeared in Live Steam Magazine starting November/December 1992
- IBLS Library has a copy of the book and magazines
- Mich-Cal No. 2 narrow gauge Shay in 4-3/4 inch gauge
- Designed by William Harris
- Drawings and build articles appeared in Live Steam Magazine starting July 1985
- IBLS Library has the magazines
Kozo Hiraoka
- Pennsylvania A3 0-4-0 Switcher
- Designed by Kozo Hiraoka
- Drawings appeared in Live Steam & Outdoor Railroading starting March/April 1998
- Some castings for Kozo Hiraoka locomotives are available from Friends Models
- IBLS Library has all magazine articles for these drawings
Calvert Holt
- NYC 4-6-4 Hudson
- Designed by Calvert Holt
- IBLS Library seek drawings
John D.L. Johnson
- Western Maryland Railway #6 Shay
- Designed by John D.L. Johnson
- Drawings and casting available from LocoGear
- Greenbrier, Cheat & Elk RR #12 Shay
- Designed by John D.L. Johnson
- Drawings and casting available from LocoGear
Jim Kreider
- Berkshire 2-8-4
- Designed by Jim Kreider
- Drawings and castings offered by Alco West Locomotives
Ralph Lathrop
- 4-4-0 American Joel W. White
- Designed by Ralph Lathrop
- Previously sold by East Coast Locomotive Works
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
- Southern Railroad 4-6-2 Ps-4 Pacific
- Designed by Ralph Lathrop
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
- 4-4-2 Atlantic
- Designed by Ralph Lathrop
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
- 4-6-4 Hudson
- Designed by Ralph Lathrop
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
- 4-8-4 Northern
- Designed by Ralph Lathrop
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
Robert Maynard
- CliShay
- Designed by Robert Maynard
- Build articles including drawings appeared in Live Steam Magazine starting in December 1977
- Drawings available in the book Building the CliShay
Robert Miller
- 4-4-0 American
- Designed by Robert Miller of Miller Backyard Railroads
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
Elmer Nuskey
- Pennsylvania A-5 0-4-0 Camelback
- Designed by Elmer Nuskey
- Drawings and castings available from Iron Horse Supply
Bill Oberpriller
- Freelance 2-4-2
- Designed by Bill Oberpriller
- Drawings and construction information: Bill Oberpriller's Minnie
Carl Purinton
- 2-6-0 Mogul
- Designed by Charles A. Purinton
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
Charlie Purinton
- 0-4-0 Tank Switcher Minnie
- Designed and built by Charles S. Purinton
- IBLS Library has complete drawings
Railroad Supply Corporation
- CP-173 American 4-4-0
- Designed by Railroad Supply Corporation personnel (e.g. Barry Hauge)
- Baltimore & Ohio C-16A 0-4-0 Switcher
- Designed by Railroad Supply Corporation personnel
- Baldwin Mogul 2-6-0
- Designed by Railroad Supply Corporation personnel
- Baldwin Consolidation 2-8-0
- Designed by Railroad Supply Corporation personnel
- USRA Heavy Mikado 2-8-2
- Designed by Railroad Supply Corporation personnel
- Drawings and castings available from Railroad Supply Corporation and Alco West Locomotives
Ken Schroeder
- Three truck Shay
- Designed by Ken Schroeder
- Drawings and castings offered by Shay Locomotive
Lee Stephens
- Southern Ps-4 Pacific 4-6-2
- Designed by Lee Stephens
- Advertised in Live Steam Magazine in 1972, 1973
- Currently owned by Texas Railway Supply Inc e.g. Michael McGrath
- Drawings only for locomotive, no tender drawings
- IBLS Library has a copy of these drawings
Bill Van Brocklin
- American 4-4-0 "Topsy"
- Designed by Bill Van Brocklin
- Drawings sold by Friends Models, also has patterns
- IBLS Library has a copy of these drawings
Don Viale
- 4-6-2 Pacific PS-4
- Designed by Donald and Robert Viale
- Drawings and castings were offered by Klamath Locomotive Works
- IBLS Library has a copy of these drawings
- 4-6-4 J1E Hudson
- Designed by Donald and Robert Viale
- Drawing and castings were offered by Klamath Locomotive Works
- IBLS Library seeking copies of drawings
Steve Vitkovits
- 2-8-2 light Mikado
- Designed by Steve Vitkovits
- Drawings and castings are for sale by Railroad Warehouse
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
- 4-6-0 Rio Grande T-12 Ten Wheeler
- Designed by Warren Weston and Gail Gish
- Construction articles serialized in Modeltec, May 1985 through June 1987 (see Warren Weston)
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
1 inch scale
Frank "Doc Fixit" Barto
- Southern Pacific 4-4-2 Atlantic A-6
- Designed by Frank Barto
- Drawings and castings were offered by Frank Barto
- IBLS Library seeking copies of the drawings
Doug Alkire
- Baltimore & Ohio 4-6-2 P7 Pacific "President Washington"
- Designed by Doug Alkire
- IBLS Library has a copy of the drawings
Harry Coventry
- Baltimore & Ohio I-6 Class 4-6-0 Ten Wheeler
- Designed by Harry Coventry
- Drawings and castings available from Friends Models
- Baltimore & Ohio B-8 Class 4-4-0 American
- Designed by Harry Coventry
- Drawings and castings available from Friends Models
Lester Friend
- Atlantic 4-4-2
- Designed by Lester Friend
- Construction articles appeared in The Miniature Locomotive starting May/June 1952
- Drawings available from Friends Models
- Narrow gauge 0-4-0 side tanker, 3.5 inch gauge
- Designed by Lester Friend
- Drawings available from Friends Models
- American 4-4-0 Wahya, 4-3/4 inch gauge
- Designed by Luker
- Construction articles appear in LSOR starting Sep/Oct 2023
Eugene Paul
- "Puffin Billy" 0-4-0 switcher
- Designed by Eugene Paul
- Drawings were offered by Coles Power Models
- IBLS Library seeking copies of the drawings
3/4 inch scale
Alan Armitage
- Boston & Maine 4-4-0 Atlantic
- Designed by Alan Armitage
- Drawings and castings available from Friends Models
- Boston & Maine 4117 4-8-2 R1d
- Designed by Alan Armitage
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
Cliff Blackstaffe
- 0-4-0
- Designed by Cliff Blackstaffe
- Construction articles appeared in The Miniature Locomotive starting September/October 1952
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
Oliver Burnaby Bolton
- L11 Baldwin 4-4-0 for New South Whales Railway (NSWR)
- Designed by Oliver Burnaby Bolton
- Drawings were offered by Caldwell Industries
- Drawings are still be available from E and J Winter
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
Clarkson Bundick
- NYC Dreyfuss 4-6-4 Hudson
- Designed by Clarkson Bundick
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
Harry Coventry
- President Washington 5300 P-7 Class 4-6-2 Pacific
- Designed by Harry Coventry
- Drawings available from Friends Models
- IBLS Library has a copy of the drawings
- Pennsy K4 Class 4-6-2 Pacific
- Designed by Harry Coventry
- Drawings available from Friends Models
- D-30 class USRA 0-6-0 Switcher
- Designed by Harry Coventry
- Construction articles appeared in The Miniature Locomotive starting March/April 1954, then continued in The North American Live Steamer, March 1956
- Drawings and construction notes available from Friends Models
- Beginners 4-4-4
- Designed by Harry Coventry
- Drawings were printed in The Model Craftsman starting in the January 1949 issue
- Harry Coventry advertised drawings and castings for sale in The Model Craftsman January 1949 issue
Martin Evans
- 0-8-0 Canadian switcher "Caribou"
- Designed by Martin Evans
- Limited drawings available in the book 0-8-0 Canadian Switcher Caribou
- Full drawings available from AJ Reeves
- IBLS Library has a copy of the book
- 2-8-0 Consolidation "Buffalo" based on "Caribou"
- Designed by Martin Evans
- Limited drawings available in the book 0-8-0 Canadian Switcher Caribou
- Single sheet drawing for 2-8-0 variation Buffalo, from Sarik Hobbies
- IBLS Library has a copy of the book
- 4-8-4 "Columiba"
- Designed by Martin Evans
- Drawings and casting available from Blackgates Engineering of England
Karl Friedrich
- "Dinky" narrow gauge "shifter" 0-4-0, 1 inch scale, 3.5 inch gauge
- Designed by Karl Friedrich
- Drawings and castings available from Friends Models
Lester Friend
- Tom Thumb
- Designed by Lester Friend
- Drawings and castings available from Friends Models
Kozo Hiraoka
- Pennsylvania A3 Switcher
- Designed by Kozo Hiraoka
- Drawings appeared in Live Steam & Outdoor Railroading starting September/October 1982
- Also available in book form
- Some castings for Kozo Hiraoka locomotives are available from Friends Models
- IBLS Library has all magazine articles for these drawings
- Heisler
- Designed by Kozo Hiraoka
- Drawings appeared in Live Steam & Outdoor Railroading starting January 1980
- Also available in book form
- IBLS Library has all magazine articles for these drawings
- New Shay
- Designed by Kozo Hiraoka
- Drawings appeared in Live Steam & Outdoor Railroading starting July/August 1999
- Also available in book form
- Some castings for Kozo Hiraoka locomotives are available from Friends Models
- IBLS Library has all magazine articles for these drawings
- Climax
- Designed by Kozo Hiraoka
- Drawings appeared in Live Steam & Outdoor Railroading starting February 1983
- Also available in book form
- IBLS Library has all magazine articles for these drawings
- Rio Grand K-27
- Designed by Kozo Hiraoka
- Drawings appeared in Live Steam & Outdoor Railroading starting July/August 2013
- IBLS Library has all magazine articles for these drawings (to date)
Carl Hoffman
- NYC 4-6-4 Hudson
- Designed by Carl Hoffman
- Advertised in Live Steam Newsletter, 1966
- Drawings might be available from Don Carr ("Cardo" on
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
Calvert Holt
- NYC 4-6-4 Hudson
- Designed and built by Calvert Holt
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
Fred Jerome
- Timken "Four Aces" 4-8-4
- Designed by Fred Jerome
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
James Alick Josslin
- Hudson 4-6-4
- Designed by James Alick Josslin
- Castings supplied by Frank Birch
- First described in the Model Engineer in 1933
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
Laverne Langworthy
- Hudson 4-6-4
- Designed by Laverne Langworthy
- Advertised in the April 1935 issue of The Modelmaker
- Later sold to Yankee Shop
- Currently offered by Friends Models
Lillian Lawrence
- American 4-4-0 "Virginia"
- Designed by LBSC
- Drawings available in LBSC's Famous 4-4-0 Virginia
- CAD Analysis by Don Althouse
- IBLS Library has the 1975 edition of LBSC's Famous 4-4-0 Virginia
Bill Morewood
- Raritan 2-4-0
- Designed by Bill Morewood
- Drawings available in the book Building the Raritan
- IBLS Library has a copy of Building the Raritan
Gerry Penrose
- Canadian 0-4-0 switcher
- Designed by Gerry Penrose
- Drawings and build article appeared in Live Steam Magazine starting November 1976
- Drawings were offered by Gerry Penrose
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
Charles S. Purinton
- Angus 4-4-2 Atlantic
- Designed by Charlie Purinton
- Drawings available from Friends Models
Harry Sait
- Boston and Albany 4-6-6-T
- Designed by Harry Sait
- Drawings available from Friends Models
1/2 inch scale
Harry Coventry
- President Washington 5300 P-7 Class 4-6-2 Pacific
- Designed by Harry Coventry
- Drawn by Eugene Paul
- Advertised in The Modelmaker magazine, October 1928
- Pennsy K4 Class 4-6-2 Pacific
- Designed by Harry Coventry
- Drawing appeared in "Mechanical Package" magazine, #4, Fall 1932
Martin Lewis
- Pacific 4-6-2, Hudson 4-6-4 and Northern 4-8-4
- Designed by Martin Lewis
- Drawings available in book form published by Little Engines
- Appeared as serial articles in The Modelmaker
- Copyright of original drawings and text has expired
- IBLS Library has copies of the magazines and book
L.R. Miller
- Hudson 4-6-4
- Designed by L.R. Miller
- Advertised in The Modelmaker
- IBLS Library has a copy of these drawings
Lawrence Murphy
- 4-6-2 Pacific
- Designed by Lawrence Murphy of Rialto Models
- Advertised castings and drawings in The Modelmaker
- IBLS Library is seeking drawings
Harry Sait
- Boston & Main 2-8-4 #4000
- Designed by Harry Sait
- Drawings by Charles A. Purinton
- See Live Steam of Years Gone By, page 11
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
1/4 inch scale
Carl Purinton
- 0-4-0 Switcher Pennsylvania Class A
- Designed by Charles A. Purinton
- 4-8-4
- Designed by LBSC
- Drawings appeared in The Modelmaker magazine
Oliver Burnaby Bolton
- L35 Hudson 4-6-4
- Designed by Oliver Burnaby Bolton
- Drawings were offered by Caldwell Industries
- Drawings are still be available from E and J Winter
- IBLS Library seeking drawings
Harold Darr
- Northern 4-8-4
- Designed by Harold Darr
- Drawings available from The National 2-1/2 Inch Gauge Association
Martin Lewis
- Hudson 4-6-4 and Northern 4-8-4
- Designed by Martin Lewis
- Drawings available in book form published by Little Engines
- Appeared as serial articles in The Modelmaker
- Copyright of original drawings and text has expired
- IBLS Library has copies of the magazines and book
Gauge 1
Ed Hume
- Climax Class A
- Designed by Ed Hume
- Drawings available in the book A Climax Class A Live Steam Locomotive Model.