IBLS Journal 1956

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No BLS Meets Planned

From The North American Live Steamer, March 1956

Charles A. Purinton

Up to the present time, March 9, 1956, there have been no definite plans or arrangements which have been made for any annual B.L.S. meeting. This is in line with the thoughts of a good many of the members. The reason is that we have realized that there is no longer any need for it and that the annual field days of the different groups can better fulfill the purpose. So, let's hope that the different groups will publish the dates of their annual field days on which they would welcome visitors

Cooper Salley byDixon abt1956.jpg

Invitation to Join

Brotherhood of Live Steamers

News from the Pacific Region

Harry Dixon, Hayward, California

The North American Live Steamer, Volume 1 Number 4

If there are any of you live steamers that are not registered with the Brotherhood of Live Steamers, or if you know of one who is a lone hand, why don't you get on our records by sending in your name and address. This service will not cost you a cent, and its a chance to meet many others in this fine hobby. Both Carl Purinton and myself have developed many fine friends, hobbyists who may be able to help with problems of construction or locate some much needed material. What makes the Brotherhood of Live Steamers? Why, you fellows. Let's get acquainted--Uncle Sam will carry your message.

BLS Secretaries

From The North American Live Steamer, May 1956

Few hobbies involve more work and all round effort than ours. Partially for this reason no other hobby offers such satisfying and lasting rewards in return.

Those too lazy or too indifferent to appreciate the long range benefits of such an absorbing hobby are indeed unfortunate.

The work involved soon separates the would-be Live Steamer from the true hobbyist, thus leaving a comparatively small group in widely scattered areas.

With this fact in mind it would seem that the importance of a central unifying organization such as the Brotherhood of Live Steamers is not fully realized.

Most Live Steamers are familiar with the B.L.S., but probably few realize how much effort is put into keeping it a functional organization.

Harry Dixon in the west and Carl Purinton in the east--as B.L.S. secretaries--do a considerable amount of correspondence in behalf of all Live Steamers.

And they do this voluntarily and at their own personal expense.

The Live Steam Magazines, their success or failure notwithstanding---might have been difficult to start but for the all round assistance of the B.L.S. secretaries.

And these fellows continue to furnish interesting and worthwhile material to the magazine currently being published.

I, along with the other members of the Golden Gate Live Steamers, Inc., feel that the BLS deserves more recognition and that at the very least the present secretaries should be paid some special tribute for their efforts.

Art Stewart

President, GGLS, Inc


Brotherhood of Live Steamers

Charles A. Purinton

The North American Live Steamer, Volume 1 Number 6

Things among the Live Steamers around these parts have been on the quiet side for some time now. The exceptions to this statement are the activities of the Waushakum Live Steamers and the Live Steamers, Inc, operating the Pioneer Valley. Both of these groups have been busy working on their respective outfits.

The little trip to the spring meeting of the Pennsylvania Live Steamers was a very pleasant one. It was nice to see some of one's acquaintances again and to see the various locos in operation.

BLS Financial Support

The North American Live Steamer, Volume 1, Number 7, 1956

Response to the "Bulletin on Brotherhood of Live Steamers" which appeared here has been encouraging. Many live steamers have written to me offering to support a movement to make the BLS a stronger and more effective organization by giving it financial help.

Several suggestions have been made as to how this might be done on a permanent basis.

I intend to submit those suggestions to the BLS secretaries, who as you must know are Carl Purinton and Harry Dixon, and ask their advice on what they consider as the best plan.

Let me point out that neither of these gents suggested this campaign but I did ask their permission to launch it.

I hope others will become actiely engaged in the movement.

Quite naturally, there are some skeptics who can see no need for a national ive steam organziation.

Attendance at the national meets sponsored by the BLS seems to indicate that a large majority approve of the accomplishments resulting from many hours of work by the BLS secretaries in organizing these events. The secretaries footed part of the cost of mailing out notices besides doing the work.

Even if you own your own railroad, as many do, the real pleasures we all derive from our hobby are the events in which we all participate.

We make friends from all parts of the country and our neighboring countries and in fact from almost everywhere during those national meets.

Surely, most of you live steamers will agree that what has already been accomplished by the Brotherhood of Live Steamers is worthy of your support. You must agree also that much more will be done with some encouragement and help for those fellows who have toiled unselfishly to promote the live steam hobby and show the way to more enjoyment from it. If you agree tell a friend.

Art Stewart
Golden Gate Live Steamers

GGLS Planning New Track

By August of 1956 discussion was underway as to whether a planned ground track at Redwood Park should be 7 1/4" gauge or 7 1/2.