Milwaukee Light Engineering Society

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Milwaukee Light Engineering Society

December 15, 1994

Fellow members & modelers:

In the following volumes of L.S.M.R.E. you will find reprints of the articles that Tom Artzberger has written for the Gazette starting back in 1991.

These reprints are compiled pretty much in the order in which Tom has summitted them for print, with some changes.

On the following page you will find a reprint from an old M.L.E.S. Bulletin on Tom's background (see Tom Artzberger). I think you'll find it interesting as well.

Tom continues to write articles for the Gazette, and additional volumes will follow, or updates will be made available as necessary.

I'm sure you'll find these volumes extremely helpful and easy to follow to get you started on some easy and nice looking equipment.

Happy Steaming

Ken Rodig, Secretary MLES

See Artzberger-Rodig Articles

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