Caboose MOW Riding Car

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Mike Massee posted the following article on

I made this MOW caboose up for my Chloe engineer's car. Originally there was to be a fence around the 'boxes' that made up the seats. But I had to put too much inside of them (water, battery, compressor) so they expanded to the edges of the car and I put the stakes directly on them. Worked out well. Propane in the caboose shell. So everything was in the one car hidden away. Seated two so I could instruct people. This was done in roughly 2 inch scale or "Chloe" scale as the prototype Chloe is very small and is more like a 1-1/2 inch scale engine in size. It was built on a modified Tom Bee Flat Car.

MikeMassee ChloeRidingTenderCabooseErection.jpg
MikeMassee ChloeRidingTenderCaboose.jpg